Wow. I'm really bad at getting around to posting. But be that as it may, I still wanted to post some pictures from our Christmas festivities. We had a really great Christmas. It is so fun to have a little baby--even though he really has no idea what's going on, it's fun for us to experience his first Christmas with him. This first picture is of him at our 3rd annual L.L. Bean party. It's basically a party thought up by my old roommate, Heidi, where we just have all kinds of cheesy Christmasy fun like decorating sugar cookies and wearing festive sweaters. This is a picture of me modelling my festive sweater and Jonathan showing off his cute Santa suit that my sister sent him:

And because Peter's pretty proud of his modelling skills, here's his festive sweater photo:

Katie, Peter's sister spent Christmas with us. We were supposed to be at our condo, but a water line broke the Friday night before Christmas, so we ended up staying with my parents and Katie was invited along. Here's the group pre-gift opening on Christmas morning:

And finally, here's Jonathan in his first gift opening experience. He stayed awake long enough to open the llama in the second picture, then he conked out:

I really wish I could write more in detail, but Jonathan is on my lap and has decided he's been patient enough as I've posted this much. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. Happy 2008!