Monday, November 07, 2005

Webster says...

thought, n. 1. mental activity. 2. idea. 3. purpose.

stew, n. 1. A dish cooked by stewing, especially a mixture of meat or fish and vegetables with stock. 2. A mixture likened to this dish.

thought stew, n. 1. A conglomeration of the often random and somtimes coherent brain waves of yours truly. 2. A zombie's favorite soup, heh heh.


Christian said...

Awesome blog name! And tasty too!

Christian said...

Oh, and I have a blog now, too (though I'm not sure how often I'll be posting there):

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Wahoo! I'm starting a trend!

Becca, your blog so far is very entertaining indeed. I'm so glad we all have blogs now! *Grins uncontrollably*

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Hey! I just looked at your links--I didn't know Heidi was engaged!! Huzzah, as it were. I'm way excited for her. :^)

Also, I checked out your stew link, and it's starting to make me hungry. Not sure what it means by 'Naked Chefs Cookbook,' though. Sounds pretty racy! :^o